If your Arduino Uno (that has only 6 ADC pins) is restricting you from buying a better 8 or 10 IR-based analog line detection sensor, this product is for you. It’s similar to the polulu QTR-8RC sensor but contains more IR sensors. It has 1cm spacing between IR sensors and got a total of 10 sensors. The signal pins can be connected to any digital/analog pin of any Arduino board.
Unlike other digital line follower sensors that use op-amps as comparators and provide only 1 & 0 as a signal, it provides 0-4096 by using capacitor discharge time. That means this digital sensor can provide outputs like an analog sensor. It can measure white & black & all the greyscale colors in-between.
Moreover, this sensor has got IR LED control option that lets you turn ON and OFF the IR LEDs of the sensor array using a digital pin of Arduino. That ensures unnecessary power consumption when the sensors are not in use. Moreover, the ability to read IR sensors while turning ON and OFF the IR LEDs helps to eliminate the effect of flashlights and sunlight.
The sensor is fully compatible with the Pololu QTR library.
Check the Documents section for the user manual.
1. Best digital line sensor for making any type of line follower robot.
2. Supports Pololu QTR library (QTR RC). You can use it just like a Pololu QTR RC sensor.
3. Sunlight and flash resistance. Ability to turn ON & OFF IR LEDs by Arduino digital pin.
4. Small and compact design. Uniform 1cm distance between IR sensors for better line detection.